Service entry insulation peeling

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Hi all,
First off, I hope this is posted in the correct section as its one of those "in between" questions.

I'm an inspector and we have a home where the insulation is peeling of the service entry conductors at the weatherhead. House is about 3 years old.

I'm thinking its because "sunlight resistant" conductor wasn't used (its in Florida) but others have told me that can happen alot and after the first layer or two peels off, it will stop. It peels off in layers just like a snake's skin.

Any thoughts?

Re: Service entry insulation peeling

Since the conductors are going through separately bushed holes in the service head and I agree with the assessment that it will stop pealing, I wouldn't worry about it. I would, however, be concerned if I ever saw bare conductors. :D
Re: Service entry insulation peeling


Thanks. You know, I kind of thought the same thing. The only peeling is on the drip loop and it appears to be fine everywhere else. None has fallen off yet but we may go back out and remove a piece just to see its actual thickness.
Re: Service entry insulation peeling

Is this the clear layer of insulation from the conductors? Are they THHN/THWN?
If so, I've seen this before and have not seen any negative effects. Once the clear layer comes loose, the thermoplastic layer begins to fade from dark black to a light black.

[ July 21, 2005, 10:20 AM: Message edited by: tshea ]
Re: Service entry insulation peeling

If there is an outer covering of nylon (THHN, THWN) the nylon is not sunlight resistant and will fail. However, THHN/THWN may not be suitable for exposure to sunlight unless so rated by the manufacturer. Unless it is sunlight-rated it should not be used in a service riser and pigtail.
Re: Service entry insulation peeling

Trivia or practicle knowledge?
The nylon cover on THHN has absolutely no insulating effect at all. Is is soley for abrasion resistance during handling and pulling.
The integrity of the conductor insulation is not hampered by the absence of or knicks in the nylon sheath.
Re: Service entry insulation peeling


Originally posted by jim dungar:

The integrity of the conductor insulation is not hampered by the absence of or knicks in the nylon sheath.
the answer is True

Re: Service entry insulation peeling

My answer is not "True," but rather "Yes." It is a spot of trivia, and it is a practical bit of knowledge that is worth having in your back pocket.
Re: Service entry insulation peeling

Originally posted by electricmanscott:
More trivia, or maybe just useless info. Massachusetts does not require sunlight resistant insulation for drip loops.
It looks like Massachusetts even has a Progressive electrical code!
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