Service Equipment not on Building

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Senior Member
Fort Collins, Colorado
Electrician, Contractor, Inspector
Situation: Local POCO does not allow service conductors (they own them in this case) or service disconnect inside the buiding. I the case of larger services this usually means a free standing piece of SE rated gear outside. Many times this ends up on it's own pad 20-50' from the building which means that the conductors to the buiding are now a feeder. I think most would agree that this triggers 225.32 to require a disconnect on or just inside the buiding in addition to the service disconnect back at the service.
Would 225.32 also apply if the free standing pad mount service disconnect is located right next the buiding (keep in mind it is free standing)? Would making the concrete pad part of the building make a difference?
I think you will end up with opinions and your AHJ's call :D
Historically, in this area, if the service equipment is adjacent to and obviously associated with the building it is normally allowed without an addition disconnecting means.
If the pad is part of the building slab, etc.,I think it has always been accepted without an additional disconnecting means.
I have seen an occasion when the E/C tied the gear to the building with a piece of strut to "make it part of the building" :D
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