Service feeders


New User
SW Florida
Master electrician
I have an inspector that says if you have 2 main panels coming off of one meter, That you can’t use the 85% rule and use 2/0 cu/4/0 Al. That the wire would have to be
Rated for the full 200 amp 3/0 cu / 250mcm Al. Said he read it in the 2005 handbook in a side/foot note.
The 83% rule can be applied when the conductors are carrying the entire load of the dwelling. Since you're splitting the load you cannot use the 83% rule but if your calculated load is 180 amps or less the next size up rule would allow #4/0 Al. One other note the conductors between the meter and the panel are service conductors not feeders.
He is correct. The conductors ahead of the meter (Service Entrance Conductors) can apply the 83% rule but since there is more than one feeder it can't be used to the panels.

(2) For a feeder rated 100 through 400 A, the feeder conductors
supplying the entire load associated with a one-family
dwelling, or the feeder conductors supplying the entire
load associated with an individual dwelling, unit in a two family
or multifamily dwelling, shall be permitted to have
an ampacity not less than 83 percent of the feeder rating.