Service feeds routing

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Senior Member
I am doing a job for a tenant that has an open ceiling in the back of the building. Today another contractor was running a feeder through our tenant space to feed the adjacent space. If I remember right there is a section in the code that dosn't allow this. I am prety sure that these need to be run either underground or on the outside of the building. Any help will be appreciated!
Re: Service feeds routing

Chris, take a look at 230.3. I believe that is what you are looking for but that is for service conductors, not feeders as you have indicated. :D
Re: Service feeds routing

I don't see a problem with a feeder installed in this way. It is very common in a commercial office building to have floor poke-thru devices mounted in the floor of one space with the feed to the poke-thru within the ceiling of the tenant space below.

[ July 13, 2005, 06:39 PM: Message edited by: infinity ]
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