Service Maintenance agreement

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I read this resent posting nov. 2, alum trailer wiring and came across a mention of a service maintenance agreement.I Think this would be a good service to offer.I do work for a property managment company that takes care of second homes.I think I can provide a program to inspect homes. 1) take panel cover off and check all connections.2)Test all GFIs and AFCIs.3)look for any broken or warn out electrical devices.4)supply report card.2 to 3 hour service for $200.00 plus materials.hoping this would lead to more work.Providing peace of mind.Can anyone add too this please
Re: Service Maintenance agreement

Considering the fact that home inspectors often charge between 200 and 300 bucks to "inspect" the entire home, you might have a tough time building value in that service. Not that it doesn't have merit, but that is one immediate customer objection that I can think of that you'll need to overcome.
Re: Service Maintenance agreement

I would also consider errors and omissions insurance coverage. And have a real attorney draw up a formal contract form for this endeavor, so you don't find out the hard way if there are any big pitfalls in doing this.
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