Service Mast

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Senior Member
Does the NEC state what size RMC or IMC can be used for supporting a service mass or can it just be sized to fit the conductors per NEC?
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The NEC does not address a minimum size service entrance mast. Your POCO may, or local rules. In Washington we have a state rule and detailed drawings to follow.
Around here it's minimum 2" RMC. I've heard that some other places have a 2.5" minimum. Like Tom said you'll need to check with your POCO to find out what they require.
I agree with Trevor and Tom.

Typically the utility company will have minimum size for the service mast.

Here it is 2" RMC or IMC.

Another thread where a location would be helpful. Why is this not a mandatory feature when registering. :confused:

N Grid requires 2.5" around here but other utilities are fine with 2"
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