Service on multi-occupancy building

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Can I get some help on an electrical service to a commercial strip center. It is an existing small strip center, with a 1200a 3ph service, 208v, with a tap box fed from underground service. There are 6 existing 100 to 200A services, there is no main. A tennant is wanting to add another meter, and that woud be a total of 7 individual mains, The individual units are divided by firewalls, so are they considered 6 individual buildings? Can a 7th disconnect be added without adding a building main? 230.2 states no more than 6 to a building, but multi occupancy buildings seperated by firewalls are by definition individual buildings. What are your thoughts
Thanks in advance
If the individual tenant spaces are divided by Fire Walls (make sure that is what they are) then you could have a separate service for each tenant space with up to six mains grouped in one location.

In this instance for this group of 7 occupancys, is it allowed to have 7 disconnects for the 7 occupancy's?
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