Service rated disconnect

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Ohms law

Senior Member
Sioux Falls,SD
I need some input please. If you have a fused disconnect that comes with a bonding screw, do you have to use said bonding screw or can one simple use a wire type sized properly?

Do manufactures require you use there listed parts for bonding or can you use a suitable replacement such as code reference 250.24(A)4, if not compliant please give me a code reference.
It should be compliant to use a conductor. On a non-permitted 100a-to-200a service upgrade I recently inherited (that was done along with the non-permitted central AC install), the bonding screw had never been installed. I installed a #4 CU jumper between the neutral terminal and the enclosure-mounted EGC bus, both of which had an empty terminal lug.
I had a inspector tell me that I had to use the listed bonding screw for the disconnect because it is listed for it, mind you this is a outdoor temp power setup. I sited 250.24 (A)4 and he said no exceptions. I have seriously had enough of this guy. I proved him wrong once and would like to set him in his place again. If I'm wrong I will learn something new.

Do panels and disconnects specifically state you must use there parts? 408.3(a)(3)c states other wise for service equipment.
110.(3)b is the only reference I see that may assume the inspector may be right. But i have never seen a panel or disconnect state you shall use only there listed parts for a bonding jumper.
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