Service remotely located from house

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St. Louis, MO
I am needing assistance with grounding/bonding a service. A house is being fed by 2 services, 400amp and 600amp single phase. (local utility will not allow single 1000amp residential service.) The CT cabinets, service disconnects, and ats' are remotely located from house. Each service is backed up by a generator. 100kw & 150kw with 3 pole ats ( neutral is being switched so it's considered a seperatly derived system.) The 2 services enter the house in the mechanical room and feed five 200amp panels. Now, do I have to run the water pipe ground out to the remote service disconnects and then back in with the panel feeders? Or, can I mount an insulated 1/4" thick copper grounding bus( article 250.64 C-3 ) in the mechanical room, run all the grounds to the busbar, and just bond the ground and neutral in the service disconnect? Hope all of that was clear.
In my area the poco sets a diso remotely.
I would consider it a new structure and treat it as such.

Except you would use a 4-wire service from the disco's on the pole. But if that is the poco's disco then you may well treat it as a new service with the neutral bonded to the can when it hit's the house. And install new disco's.
I might need a little more info.
Now, do I have to run the water pipe ground out to the remote service disconnects and then back in with the panel feeders? Or, can I mount an insulated 1/4" thick copper grounding bus( article 250.64 C-3 ) in the mechanical room, run all the grounds to the busbar, and just bond the ground and neutral in the service disconnect? Hope all of that was clear.

I would say you now have two services. You would treat it when it mounts to the house as a new service and bring your water line ground to the equipment ground in the house service. And you will need a 4 wire from the remote service to the house service. Keeping the neutral isolated from the grounds at the house. This is if you are under the 08 code.

Depending on how far your remote disc's are from the house. You may not need the other two at the house. Such as if it comes up in a slab , etc...
I would check with the AHJ. That is a lot of exspensive material.
Here, it would probably be treated as a "seperate" structure and 250.32 would require an equipment ground from the service disconnect location (2008 Code) and electrodes at the house.
What article(s) can I find that in? Would I just bond the remote disconnects, ats', and ct cabinets to a ground rod?

The first disconnect uses the utilities neutral to bond the service equipment. And two ground rods will be connected to that.

Then at the house for 05 you can do it either way. With a four or three wire.
If you use a three wire feed. Your neutrals and grounds will be connected together. A long with the cold water ground and two more ground rods.

Don't have my code book. I cut the pages out of my 05 hand book and now store my pistol in there. ( With the appropriate license) Kind of like an old cow boy preachers bible. Only this is an electricians bible.

Your referece is probably in art 250. That's where a lot of grounding issues are.
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