Service riser?

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Senior Member
A length of RMC, unbushed on either open end, serves as a pipe sleeve for a residential Service Entrance Cable (SEC). This sleeve is fastened to the outside wall of the residence. The sleeve starts 24 inches above the socket meter enclosure and extends upward through the roof overhang. The sleeve ends 18 inches above the roof overhang. The pipe sleeve is sturdy. The service drop makes its attachment to the sleeve. The metal messenger cable is tied to and in direct contact with the metal sleeve. The bare ungrounded service conductor of the service drop is wound around the messenger cable (i.e. Triplex). The SEC cable terminates to the service drop with the proper drip loop and goosenecks up then down through the open pipe sleeve and out the other end and follows the wall for two feet and enters the top of the meter socket enclosure.
The jacket of the SEC has disintegrated over time and the SEC cable must be replaced. When replaced, can the SEC be routed in this same manner or must it be replaced with service entrance conductors exiting through a service head on top and run through a continuous length of RMC terminating into the top of the meter enclosure? Any code section references?
As always, thanks.

Even if the code somehow allows the installation, to redo it in the same manner would be

an awful thing to be proud of.

Running the conduit to the meter socket and installing the weatherhead on top and using

conductors of the correct size and insulation, as you suggested, would be the way that an

expirenced 'Electrician' would do it. imo.
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