Service Size, Watts/Sq ft est

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Senior Member
If you absolutely had to make a guess on the spot for a estimated service size without doing load calculations what would be a good guess for a watts/sq ft number for something similar to a church? I was thinking 17-20 watts. Anyone have a opinion?


Senior Member
Southern Maine
Not to be a wise guy but I have seen some pretty large churches and some pretty small so that is fairly ambiguous. And just depends on what is going it, are there going to be a bunch of class rooms, if its a big church what type of sound system/lighting system are they going to have some are basically a recording studio/concert hall. More info may help....and you do not want a customer saying well you said it should only be 200A and now its 400A + service...this is just my opinion good luck Oh and a church general lighting load is only 1VA per sq ft so 11 could be a good guess if you are in a pinch and not going to be held to it either way
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Senior Member
There's not going to be any classrooms. Basically two performance areas and a kitchen. I know its a tough guess. Its a big building so I think 15VA might be ok.


Esteemed Member
If you absolutely had to make a guess on the spot for a estimated service size without doing load calculations what would be a good guess for a watts/sq ft number for something similar to a church? I was thinking 17-20 watts. Anyone have a opinion?

Look in ARTICLE 220.12 Table Churches 1 Volt-Ampere per square foot:)
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