I went to an apartment building that has 60 residents living in there. There was a 400A service switch with 10kA interrupting rated 400A fuse in it feeding house loads . The service switch is close to the service end box which it's getting power from.
Does this make any sense to you or am I missing something? Now I don't know the utility available fault current but there is NO WAY to suspect the utility fault current is less than 10kA.
Is there any reason the 10kA rating is used? or is this just someone being incompetent in specing fuses?
Does this make any sense to you or am I missing something? Now I don't know the utility available fault current but there is NO WAY to suspect the utility fault current is less than 10kA.
Is there any reason the 10kA rating is used? or is this just someone being incompetent in specing fuses?