Service Upgrade jumping / Grounding

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Rewiring old farmhouse and upgrading residential service from 100 amps to 200 amps. Utility company has requested new service be located at opposite end of house. I am locating new service panel at this "new service location". My question - I am going to be feeding new 200 amp panel off of 100 amp panel until utility company makes switch over (25' from each other). New service panel has neutrals and grounds bonded. Is it permissible to run 3 conductor SEU to power up this panel seeing how it is NOT a sub-panel? I stress that this is only for purposes of "firing up the panel" until utility switches over service. I have done numerous jobs like this in the past and am just now questioning it. Looking for other's thoughts.
Thanks for reply George. I am installing an entirly new 200 amp service - meter, conductors, and service panel. Old 100 amp service at opposite end of house is being removed. I was questioning the practice of temporarily jumping the new 200 amp panel off of the original 100 amp panel while awaiting utility company switch over. All the new circuitry for the house will allready be tied in to the new 200 amp panel. I am not seperating the grounds and neutrals at this panel and have the neutral bonded to the enclosure as it is the new service panel / main disconnect. Just using a scrap piece of SEU to power it until the switch over is made.
Since they want an entirely new location, why not get the new panel fired up and metered first, so it's live as you swing the rest of the circuits over one by one. After your done. let them disconnect the old meter.
I do it regularly, and ask that the cable be left behind for the next time. I use plain ol' #2al SE.
I agree that the SEU will be fine on a temporary basis. For what it's worth we've done similar installations in the past.
Thanks for all the great responses. Just wanted to ensure that my procedure for doing this "jumping" agreed with the practice of others in the field.
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