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Senior Member
edison, n.j.
my question is on a single phase 200a service . if i put a 200a main disc. switch on out side of house then go inside to two meters then to two 100a panels , wherenwould i use 3wire or 4 wire ?. poco does not permit any bonding to inside of pan. this was ko by poco because meters didnot have 3' clearance in front.
my only choice is to put meters back inside except my panels are set and wired in and the first thing se cable sess when it enters home.
any ideas how to correct this ?
mickeyrench said:
my question is on a single phase 200a service . if i put a 200a main disc. switch on out side of house then go inside to two meters then to two 100a panels , wherenwould i use 3wire or 4 wire ?. poco does not permit any bonding to inside of pan. this was ko by poco because meters didnot have 3' clearance in front.
my only choice is to put meters back inside except my panels are set and wired in and the first thing se cable sess when it enters home.
any ideas how to correct this ?

did i read that correctly that you're going to have two meters inside your house? just out of curiosity, why do you have two and why are they going to be inside the house?

anyway, the 200A disco on the outside of the house would be the main, and you would bond there. typically the utility goes to the meter and then we go from there into a 200A disconnect and that is where i bond. 99.9% of the time in residential i use a meter combo unit like the square D cm200s.
Our POCO would not allow a disconnect before the meter because they are responsible to the meter.You bond at the final disconnect means so you would run 4 wire from this disconnect .
mickeyrench said:
my question is on a single phase 200a service . if i put a 200a main disc. switch on out side of house then go inside to two meters then to two 100a panels , wherenwould i use 3wire or 4 wire ?. poco does not permit any bonding to inside of pan. this was ko by poco because meters didnot have 3' clearance in front.
my only choice is to put meters back inside except my panels are set and wired in and the first thing se cable sess when it enters home.
any ideas how to correct this ?
could you please explain a little better what the current setup is?

why don't you put the riser into a trough, into 2 separate 100A meters under the trough, through the wall into the panels inside?
brantmacga said:
did i read that correctly that you're going to have two meters inside your house? just out of curiosity, why do you have two and why are they going to be inside the house?

typically the utility goes to the meter and then we go from there into a 200A disconnect

What you are saying, does not make any sense, meter first, then to disco. Could you try be more detailed on what it is your doing.
Rewire said:
Our POCO would not allow a disconnect before the meter because they are responsible to the meter.You bond at the final disconnect means so you would run 4 wire from this disconnect .

ours actually requires it in commercial areas where there is a transformer bank feeding multiple customers...:D
Sorry about not explaining clearly. I hope this is a bit better. The side of the house the service drop is on has only 2 ' before property line ends so there is only 2 ' in front of meter. Poco wants 3' . I am tying to do this without going to the other side of the building where there is clearance for the meter. I know about grounding the disco first and then the panels become sub panels. I just never went to the disco first and was trying to find out if that can be done and how?
satcom said:
What you are saying, does not make any sense, meter first, then to disco. Could you try be more detailed on what it is your doing.

not sure how much more detailed i can be. so i drew you this little picture.

utility hits the meter, then i leave and go to the disconnect -

mickeyrench said:
Sorry about not explaining clearly. I hope this is a bit better. The side of the house the service drop is on has only 2 ' before property line ends so there is only 2 ' in front of meter. Poco wants 3' . I am tying to do this without going to the other side of the building where there is clearance for the meter. I know about grounding the disco first and then the panels become sub panels. I just never went to the disco first and was trying to find out if that can be done and how?

oh man that does sound like a tight spot to be in. i really don't see how you can do it w/o moving it to a place w/ the required clearance. me and the wife hit a buble concert the other night in jacksonville. while driving past some houses in downtown, i noticed the services on the houses faced each other and there had to be less than 18" between the faces of the meters. i tried to get her to stop so i could take a picture, but she called me a dork and kept driving.
thanks for all the responses and pictures, i was trying to find out if there is ever a way to go to the disco first. now i see i can't and i got my answer. i guess i'm thick
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mickeyrench said:
thanks for all the responses and pictures, i was trying to find out if there is ever a way to go to the disco first. now i see i can't and i got my answer. i guess i'm thick

We all wish we had a sketch board feature built in to the forum, it would make it easier to explain some things.
emahler said:
ours actually requires it in commercial areas where there is a transformer bank feeding multiple customers...:D
Ours will allow it for more than six meters but it must be a single unit of meters and disconnect you can't do it for a single meter on any application.
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