[FONT="]The Engineering Divisionof the Department of Insurance states its position relative to 230-70(a) NEC?as follows: [/FONT]
[FONT="]"Service entranceconductors routed from their point of entrance into the structure, to theirpoint of attachment to the service enclosure a distance horizontally not morethan twice the nominal width of the service enclosure and vertically not morethan the greater of 5 feet or twice thenominal height of the service enclosure shall be considered to be in compliancewith the requirements of 230-70(a) of the current National Electrical Code.Service entrance conductors may be routed in the most direct route or at rightangles. Service entrance conductors in excess of these specified limits willnot be allowed unless specifically authorized by special permission from theelectrical inspector having jurisdiction to accommodate adverse site conditionswhich would not reasonably allow installation within this criteria." [/FONT]
[FONT="]By stating suchinterpretation, it is specifically not the intent of this Division to encouragethe utilization of excessive lengths of service conductors when more directroutes are otherwise available; nor, to discourage local jurisdictions fromallowing lengths beyond those specified when reasonable prudence and judgmentwould indicate reasonable necessity to accommodate safety or adverse siteconditions. This Division will however render Code interpretations pertainingto 230-70(a) within these constraints and refer requests for special permissionexclusively to the electrical inspector having jurisdiction. [/FONT]