Shared Grounding electrode at two panels in separate building

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I have two panel feeders, each including an equipment grounding conductor, that go from the service panel to two panels located in a pool pump room below grade in a separate building, located directly adjacent to each other. The electrical conctractor installed a 10' X 5/8" driven ground rod horizontally through the foundation wall at 6' below grade into undisturbed soil.

A grounding electrode conductor is routed to the first panel ground bus, then extended to the second panel, both panels thus sharing the single grounding electrode.

Is this the proper grounding for these two panels?

Thank You.
A bigger problem is two feeders running to the structure.

Generally only one feeder per structure is allowed, I doubt the pool house fits any of the exceptions for more than one feeder.
I agree with Bob but I don't believe you can drive a rod thru a foundation wall at 6' below grade and meet code. Firstly that's a bad idea for moisture reasons, etc. Secondly, art. 250.53(G) does not permit a horizontal ground rod unless rock bottom is encountered with a vertical rod.
I agree with Dennis and Bob.
In direct answer to your question, two panels can share one GEC (or two when required) but you have a problem with two feeders as Bob noted (225,30) and the rod installation itslef {250.53)G)} as Dennis noted
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