Shared Working Space

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I understand that electrical equipment may share the required working space, i.e. two panels facing each other can be located 3' apart or installed side by side can share the 30" width required. Can other equipment (mechanical or plumbing) also share the electrical panel's required working space?
If by other equipment you mean non-electrical equipment then the answer is no. If it's grounded then you would treat it as a grounded surface as outlined in 110.26(A)(1).
I understand that electrical equipment may share the required working space, i.e. two panels facing each other can be located 3' apart or installed side by side can share the 30" width required. Can other equipment (mechanical or plumbing) also share the electrical panel's required working space?

Yes.But it has to be either above or below the electrical equipment and cannot extend more than 6 inches beyond the front of the electrical equipment. It also has to be in some way associated with the electrical installation.

110.26 Spaces About Electrical Equipment.
(A) Working Space
(3) Height of Working Space.

(3) Height of Working Space. The work space shall be clear
and extend from the grade, floor, or platform to a height of
2.0 m (61∕2 ft) or the height of the equipment, whichever is
greater. Within the height requirements of this section, other
equipment that is associated with the electrical installation and
is located above or below the electrical equipment shall be
permitted to extend not more than 150 mm (6 in.) beyond the
front of the electrical equipment.
I understand that electrical equipment may share the required working space. . . .
That much is right.
. . . two panels facing each other can be located 3' apart or installed side by side can share the 30" width required.
Side-by-side: yes. Front-to-front, yes they can share the space. But it is only 3’ apart if both panels are less than 150 volts to ground (i.e., 120/208V three phase or 120/240V single phase). For higher voltage panels, the distance between panels is higher. See the table.
Can other equipment (mechanical or plumbing) also share the electrical panel's required working space?
Not sure what you are asking here. If you are asking whether a mechanical component can live within the 3’ (or higher) working clearance, the others have already (correctly) said no. But if you are asking whether a mechanical component that has space requirements of its own can share its required space with the electrical panel’s required space, that answer would be yes, as long as the electrical panel’s space has none of the actual mechanical equipment in it.

Does that clarify things for you?
charlie b,

That is exactly what I was asking. Thank you. To everyone else who responded, thank you as well, I apologize for the ambiguity of my question.
charlie b,

That is exactly what I was asking. Thank you. To everyone else who responded, thank you as well, I apologize for the ambiguity of my question.

You're welcome and no need to apologize. :cool:
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