Sharing Neutrals

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I hope I'm in the right forum. This my first time posting. I wanted to get some opinions sharing neutrals. i have usually in the past only share neutrals for successive numbers for example 1,3,5 w/N 7,9,11 w/N etc. But lately I have been working retail spaces where ones have shared neutrals for whatever numbers they wish as long as they are not the same phase of course. Can someone give me some insight on this.
Re: Sharing Neutrals

There is nothing in the NEC that prevent's which breaker space you use, other than it is the opposite phase.

I believe that in the "2005" 210.4(D) was changed to 210.5(C) and 200.6(A) and (D)and is more clarified that the ungrounded conductors has to be identifided by phase or if there is more than one shared neutral in the same race-way it has to be identified by one of the means listed (Grey,White with three Gray stripes, Grey with three White stripes.
I might not be getting it right but it was something like that.

[ October 09, 2004, 02:13 AM: Message edited by: hurk27 ]
Re: Sharing Neutrals

Originally posted by hurk27:
There is nothing in the NEC that prevent's which breaker space you use, other than it is the opposite phase.
I agree with Wayne. :)

There is one section I know that usually indirectly requires the breakers to be on consecutive poles. I say usually as you could use any opposite phases and run them through 2 pole switch at the panelboard.

210.4 Multiwire Branch Circuits.
210.4(B) Dwelling Units. In dwelling units, a multiwire branch circuit supplying more than one device or equipment on the same yoke shall be provided with a means to disconnect simultaneously all ungrounded conductors at the panelboard where the branch circuit originated.

[ October 09, 2004, 06:56 AM: Message edited by: iwire ]
Re: Sharing Neutrals

That is correct, I chose to elaborate a little. :)

[ October 09, 2004, 09:32 AM: Message edited by: iwire ]
Re: Sharing Neutrals

Petersonra, I think that was what Bob was pointing out, but we could jump to the next page and see that "Multiple Branch Circuits" would require the same thing.

Randomly (probably not the correct word here) picking breaker positions for multi-wire circuits is a common practice, we do this on a regular basis in hospitals when adding circuits.

Re: Sharing Neutrals

If you are laying out a new job I think it's the best but not required thing to put them in a row.

If you have a bigger job laid out on paper saying to put the breakers all over for the same network then I say do it. Just to follow the plans weather thought out well or not can eliminate future confusion and mistakes.

If you are adding circuit(s) on to an existing panel it's good if you have the spaces in a row but I would not rearange the panel to make it happen. Just identify it well (tape the together) in the panel.
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