Shopping for generator

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Senior Member
I have a customer that wants a stand alone generator run on LP gas. He wants me to shop them out for him because he dosen't know what to look for. I have done many generator systems for people. Oh yeah, this is a residential situation and he wants a gentran type of system. It is only the generator that I need help shopping for. It would be roughly 8 to 10kw and just for the well, furnace, fridge and some general lighting. Definately not to carry the whole house. My customers always had their generators already and none of them have been stand alone type, so this is a new one for me. I told him to Google it and pick one out but he really wants me to do this for him. Any thoughts on where to look would be really helpful. I hate shopping!
I generally use Generac but with an ATS.... I never supply the generator, I dont want phone calls reguarding the thing didnt start or can I change the oil... .. so I never supply 'em... I just tell the people where one might find one...
For what it's worth.

My manager bought a whole house Generac and ATS from Home Despot. A quality EC installed, but the propane installation and lines were a joke. He tagged it for the inspector. Now the generator enclosure is rusting, take that into consideration on your pricing.
Generator To Buy

Generator To Buy

I would recommend either Gillette (Elkhart, IN) or Tradewinds (Miami, FL).
These units are pricey but you can't beat the quality.
The Guardian/Generac has become a commodity item these days and the quality has suffered because of this.
I currently have over 100 Guardians installed and they have become a maintenance nightmare for my shop.
If pricepoint is an issue then you will have to go with Guardian but if quality and reliability can be sold to your customer look into the brands that I mentioned.
To those of you that just want to sell generators but not service them, please stay out of the business.
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