Somewhere I found a recommendation about how much extra AIC rating a breaker should have above the available fault current rating. It had to do with how many times a breaker was rated to interrupt a certain percentage of its rating. But I can't remember the exact recommendation. Does anyone know where I can find that?
For example, the recommendation said something like a 65KAIC breaker was only rated to interrupt 80 or 90% of that current 3 or 4 times. So if the available fault current was more than 80 or 80%, and the breaker had already tripped 4 times, the breaker basically needed replaced.
For example, the recommendation said something like a 65KAIC breaker was only rated to interrupt 80 or 90% of that current 3 or 4 times. So if the available fault current was more than 80 or 80%, and the breaker had already tripped 4 times, the breaker basically needed replaced.