should you label neutrals in a panel

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New member
On a school job in croton new York. Have been an electrician for 14 years. Lately there has been an issue on the job about labeling every neutral in the panel with its corresponding circuit number. I have been on many larger jobs an have cut in many panels and never label the neutral. Am I wrong or what?
Re: should you label neutrals in a panel

It is not required by the NEC.

It may be required in the job specifications.

It is very helpful when trouble shooting, particularly if it is a panel full of multiwire branch circuits.
Re: should you label neutrals in a panel

You are not wrong, but doing this is a good idea. I have had jobs where it is in the specifications, and this being the case it must be done.

Re: should you label neutrals in a panel

Great minds drink alike (or something like that). :D
Re: should you label neutrals in a panel

I'll Think to that.
Re: should you label neutrals in a panel

always wondered why there were so so many typos and misperrings, musta needed some hare of tha dawg

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