show window load

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Staff member
State Electrical Inspector (Retired)
Every time I think I know just a lil bit about NEC something throws a rock at me. So much for being an experienced inspector.
Was doing a plans review with EC, customer is changing show window design.
220.3 (B)(6) {2002} /220.14 (G) {2005) gives a branch circuit calculation of 200va per ft OR
unit load per outlet "as required in other provisions of this section"
220.12 {2002}/ 220.43 {2005} shows feeder calculations using the 200va per ft.

The only reference to the show window receptacle I find is 210-62,,one per 12'

Please excuse my confusion but a brain cloud has set in. For the branch circuit, if I have a 10' show window it seems I have a choice of 2000 va (10' @ 220)or 180 va for the one required outlet.
Duh! Huh!
Where am I going wrong?
Re: show window load

I might be confused and I don't have my code in front of me , but I think you are talking about 2 different items. The 200 VA per Foot is used to help calculate a service.
The 1 per 12' of show window is to determine the correct number of show window receptacles required.
1 - 10' window -> 10'x 200VA -> 2000VA
2000VA x 125% -> 2500 VA
don't forget the continuous load issue

Some one correct me if I am wrong. I have been wrong before. Just ask my wife :D
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