Shunt trip breaker feeding a receptacle

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Folks I need some help. Thrown into a job at a kitchen facility (first experience in a kitchen) where several receptacles and equipment pieces are fed from shunt trip breakers. Do the receptacles wire up like normal 120V connections? I have a phase, neutral and ground wire plus an extra phase wire pulled in. What lands on the 2 terminals on the second pole of the shunt trip breakers? Panel schedule shows that the shunt trips have 2 phase conductors but that doesn't make much sense. Any guidance or help with what wires land where is appreciated.
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Shunt trip breakers have a coil that when energized trips the breaker. In a commercial kitchen the coil wires should be tied to the Ansul control box some how. The receptacles would wire up normally. The extra conductor at the receptacle locations sounds like part of a multi wire branch circuit.
Have you examined the breaker closely ? Some SP shunt-trip breakers are as wide as a two pole to accommodate the shunt coil.
Rather than the temperature switch shown below, in your case is more likely a set of contacts either directly controlled by the suppression system controller or possibly a set of contacts on a fire alarm relay device that reacts to the suppression system. There is no need to pull a second phase conductor to the receptacles just a switch leg for the shunt coil to the control device.
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Rather than the temperature switch shown below, in your case is more likely a set of contacts either directly controlled by the suppression system controller or possibly a set of contacts on a fire alarm relay device that reacts to the suppression system. There is no need to pull a second phase conductor to the receptacles just a switch leg for the shunt coil to the control device.
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Though your wiring is drawn correctly, the QO shunt trip breaker won't have leads coming out the side for the shunt coil it will look like this

The two terminals on the left portion of the unit pictured are for the shunt coil.
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