Senior Member
I am sick and tired of seeing hacks trying to do electrical work. my last two jobs ive seen stuff that really irritates me. ive seen a #10 awg alu wire somehow feeding a 60a breaker that feeds both the ac and dryer. I saw al wires hooked up to nonal breakers. And then today a damn ac guy thought he was an electrician. he took #6-3 to feed a heater which is fine but rather then running it through the attic he cut a hole in the wall landed without a connector into the panel then landed it no conector into heating unit I kinda hoped that was it but I chose to check outdoor unit this hack had the wires going to the unit on the line side and the #10 wires coming from the panel hooked to the load side of the disconect. oh by the way this #10 wire was hooked to a 20a breaker. memo to all homeowners when you let untrained idiots wire your house you run the risk of fire gutting your house. make sure you get a licensed electrician not a hack. ok im done sorry just pissed