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Significant Changes for the 2011 NEC
Prepared by Bryan Holland ? City of North Port
Code-Wide Code Change
Section 90.5(C). Fine Print Notes are now referred to as "Informational Notes." The purpose, intent, and format of the informational note are unchanged.
Section 90.5(D). The Annexes have been renamed to ?Informative Annexes.?
Many code sections have been itemizes into a list format instead of the traditional paragraph form without changing the rule, intent, or content of the section.
New Articles / Tables / Informative Annexes
Article 694 ? Small Wind Electric Systems
I. General VI. Marking
II. Circuit Requirements VII. Connection to Other Sources
III. Disconnecting Means VIII. Storage Batteries
IV. Wiring Methods IX. Systems Over 600 Volts
V. Grounding
Article 840 ? Premises-Powered Broadband Communication Systems
I. General IV. Grounding Methods
II. Cables Outside and Entering Building V. Install. Methods Inside Blds.
III. Protection VI. Listing Requirements
Table 10, Chapter 9 ? Conductor Stranding
Informative Annex I ? Recommended Tightening Torque Tables from UL 486A-B
New / Revise Definitions
Arc-Fault Circuit Interrupter (AFCI) has been relocated to Article 100 from Section 210.12(A).
Automatic ? Performing a function without the necessity of human intervention.
Bathroom ? An area including a basin with one or more of the following: a toilet, a urinal, a tub, a shower, a bidet, or similar plumbing fixtures.
Bonding Jumper, System has been relocated to Article 100 from Section 250.2.
Ground Fault has been relocated to Article 100 from Section 250.2.
?Grounding Conductor? has been completed deleted from the code.
Nonautomatic ? Requiring human intervention to perform a function.
All definitions related to ?service conductors? have been significantly revised to coordinate with significant changes to Article 230 ? Services.
Uninterruptible Power Supply ? A power supply used to provide alternating current power to a load for some period of time in the event of a power failure.
Informational Note: In addition, it may provide a more constant voltage and frequency supply to the load, reducing the affects of voltage or frequency variations.
Article 110 ? Requirements for Electrical Installations
110.3(A)(1) ? Informational Note
New Sentence: ?Special conditions of use or other limitations and pertinent information may be marked on the equipment, included in the product instructions, or included in the appropriate listing and labeling information.?
110.14 ? Electrical Connections
New Paragraph: ?Connectors and terminals for conductors more finely stranded then Class B and Class C stranding as shown in Chapter 9, Table 10, shall be identified for specific conductor class or classes.?
110.24 ? Available Fault Current
New Section requiring the available fault current to be field marked on the service equipment for other than dwelling units. The new section is made up of parts:
(A) Field Marking
(B) Modifications w/ exception
110.26(A)(3) ? Height of Working Space
New Exception No. 2: ?Meters that are installed in meter sockets shall be permitted to extend beyond the other equipment. The meter socket shall be required to follow the rules of this section.?
110.28 ? Enclosure Types
Expansion of listed items including: ?enclosed switches, transfer switches, power outlets, circuit breakers, adjustable-speed drive systems, pullout switches, portable power distribution equipment, termination blocks, general-purpose transformers, fire pump controllers, and fire pump motors.?
Chapter 2--Wiring and Protection
200.4 ? Neutral Conductors
New Section: ?Neutral conductors shall not be used for more than one branch circuit, for more than one multiwire branch circuit, or for more than one set of ungrounded feeder conductors unless specifically permitted elsewhere in this code.?
210.5(C) ? Identification of Ungrounded Conductors
Complete Section Rewrite into Parts: 1. Application
2. Means of Identification
3. Posting of Identification Means
210.8 ? Ground-Fault Circuit-Interrupter Protection for Personnel
New Sentence: ?The GFCI shall be installed in a readily accessible location.?
210.8(A) Dwelling Units
Revision to: ?(7) Sinks ? located in areas other than kitchens where receptacles are installed within 6? of the outside edge of the sink.?
210.8(B) Other than Dwelling Units
New: ?(6) Indoor wet locations?
?(7) Locker rooms with associated showering facilities?
?(8) Garages, service bays, and similar areas where electrical diagnostic equipment, electrical hand tools, or portable lighting equipment are to be used?
210.12 ? Arc-Fault Circuit-Interrupter Protection
Definition has been moved to Article 100
New Part: ?(B) Branch Circuit Extensions or Modifications ? Dwelling Units?
210.52 ? Dwelling Unit Receptacle Outlets
New Part: ?(4) Countertop Receptacles. Receptacles installed for countertop surfaces as specified in 210.52(C) shall not be considered as the receptacles required by 210.52(A).?
210.52(C)(5) ? Receptacle Outlet Location / 210.52(D) - Bathrooms
New Sentence: ?Receptacle outlet assemblies listed for the application shall be permitted to be installed in countertops.?
New Informational Note to the two above sections: ?See 406.5(E) for requirements for installation of receptacles in countertops.?
210.52(I) ? Foyers
New Part: ?Foyers that are not part of a hallway in accordance with 210.52(H) and that have an area that is greater than 60 square feet shall have a receptacle(s) located in each wall space 3ft or more in width and unbroken by doorways, floor-to-ceiling windows, and similar openings.?
Article 220 now recognizes the need to include LED lighting loads in calculations.
225.27 ? Raceway Seals
New Section: ?Where a raceway enters a building or structure from an underground distribution system, it shall be sealed in accordance with 300.5(G). Spare or unused raceways shall be sealed. Sealants shall be identified for use with cable installation, shield, or other components.?
225.30 ? Number of Supplies
New paragraph clarifying that only one feeder or branch circuit is permitted to supply a separate structure or be supplied by the separate to structure.
230.6 ? Conductors Considered Outside the Building
New Part (5): ?Where installed in overhead service masts on the outside surface of the building traveling through the eave of the building to meet the requirements of 230.24.?
230.42(A) ? Minimum Size and Rating
New Exception: ?Grounded conductors that are not connected to an overcurrent device shall be permitted to be sized at 100% of the continuous and noncontinuous load.?
230.66 ? Marking
New Sentence: ?All service equipment shall be listed.?
250.2 ? Definitions
New term: ?Bonding Jumper, Supply-Side?
250.21(C) ? Marking
New Part: ?Ungrounded systems shall be legibly marked ?Ungrounded System? at the source or first disconnecting means of the system. The marking shall be of sufficient durability to withstand the environment involved.?
250.30 ? Grounding Separately Derived Alternating-Current Systems
This Section of Article 250 has been significantly rewritten to include new terms and clarify requirements.
250.32 ? Building or Structures Supplied by a Feeder(s) or Branch Circuit(s)
This section has been significantly revised to include provisions for circuits of separately derived systems and ungrounded systems.
250.52(A)(2) ? Metal Frame of Building or Structure / 250.52(A)(3) ? Concrete-Encased Electrode
These two sections have been rewritten into a list format to clarify requirements for these electrode types.
250.53 ? Grounding Electrode System Installation
This section has been completely rewritten and reformatted to clarify the requirements for grounding electrode installations.
250.56 ? Resistance of Rod, Pipe, and Plate Electrodes
This section has been deleted and written into the requirements of section 250.53.
250.64 ? Grounding Electrode Conductor Installation
This section has been rewritten to clarify requirements for GEC installation.
250.68(C) ? Metallic Water Pipe and Structural Metal
This new part includes requirements for connection of the GEC to these two electrode types.
250.92(A)&(B) ? Services (Bonding)
These two parts have been rewritten to provide clarity.
250.94 ? Bonding for Other Systems
This section has been rewritten and expanded to include more requirements.
250.102 ? Bonding Conductors and Jumpers
This section has been completely reformatted and rewritten to include new terms and clarify requirements.
250.121 ? Use of Equipment Grounding Conductors
New Section: ?An equipment grounding conductor shall not be used as a grounding electrode conductor.?