Signs Disconnect location

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I ran into a situation where a guy was told to 'disconnect' the 'disconnect' switch to a sign outside. The sign had the 'external' switch located on top of it.

I told him this was not right because it's a code requirement NEC 2008 600.6(2). Apparently I thought it had the same writing as for motors but apparently not. With motors it would have to be 'impracticable or introduces additonal or increased hazards to persons or property, or in Industrial situations etc..." for the disco to be 'out of line of sight'.

The sign disconnect location will allow disco to be 'out of line of sight' so long as it has the 'permanant means of adding a lock'. It doesn't have the 'increased hazards or impracticable' language in it.

That seems odd to me and it seems to be a waste of ink because they just circumvented the extra safety they tried to give for having the 'disco' close to the switch if they didnt add the extra 'impracticalbe' language in that section.
Does anyone have any insight as to why it does not?
So are you asking Why does the NEC allow a disconnect for a sign to be out of sight if there is a lockable disco but for motors there is stricter requirements (not the same as signs)?

If so, I think, with motors esp. large manufacturing motors where an indiividual can get caught in the machinery or where there is a greater hazard the idea is to for the disco to be nearby for emergencies. A lot more damage can occur with a motor than with a sign.
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