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Senior Member
When would there be a situation when a resturant (takeout only) would not need smoke alarms interconnected. How about this. What if the resturant used a residential grade range/stove. No shunt breakers would be nessessary. No fancy fire system would be needed. At this point would it be required to have smoke alarms. To add to this, the building is also used as a residence upstairs and a barbershop next door.
Both have smoke detectors. The resturant does not. Fire marshall says that the resturant does not need smoke alarms. Why? Anyone know?

[ May 17, 2005, 09:31 PM: Message edited by: aelectricalman ]

luke warmwater

Senior Member
Re: Situation

Originally posted by aelectricalman:
What if the resturant used a residential grade range/stove.
The fire marshall might not care, but the health inspector should. I do not believe that a residential range/stove would be NSF approved.
But that has nothing to do with the smokes.


Senior Member
Re: Situation

Actually it was the health inspector, not the fire marshall that gave it an OK. Sorry for the confusion. I just figured the two were related since I don't know any better. Why might he not require smokes in a resturant, Seems that since someone is living above, they might be required.

inspector 102

Senior Member
Northern Indiana
Re: Situation

In my jurisdiction, the resturant would not require smoke detector either. I would expect to see occupancy separations between the uses and smoke detectors in the residential portion as required. I would expect to see a Class 1 or 2 Hood system depending on the type of cooking being done. If the HVAC has more than 2000 CFM, then I would expect a smoke detector with interlocks. Alot of people think that smoke detectors are required in all buildings the same why they believe that all commercial building require conduit. All I can do is what the code allows me.
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