Butting heads with an engineer here. They have two buildings fed off of one utility transformer, each building has its own service and grounding. The service laterals are also seperate from each other. The main distribution panels have less than 6 breakers and no main. The engineer says this is a code violation because there are 4 breakers on building A and 5 breakers on building B. (5 +4) = 9 breakers, which exceeds the six disconnect rule. I told them it is six per service, not six per transformer, but he's not listening. They want us to pay to install main breakers! I need some firepower here guys..
Ok, First of all is he a Utility Engineer or just a local engineer doing the drawings for the NEC covered portion of the installation?
Next, The Utility will size the XFMR and determine how many buildings can be supplied off of the individual XFMR, not the engineer who is designing the buildings based on the NEC.
Next, are these service conductors, underground or service laterals....makes a difference in the fact that Service Conductors, Underground are within the scope of the NEC and service laterals are not if under the exclusive control of the POCO.
Each building is a separate structure and are treated as such, the 6 disconnect rule applies to each service to that individual structure. Clearly in 230.71 it expresses that their shall be no more than six sets of disconnects per service group.
Ok...while I am not a fan of saying show images from the 2014 Handbook to an Engineer but in this case I will explain why it may benefit them....while the image I am going to tell you about is not EXACTLY like your situation...it most eyes it would be better in proving your point in terms of the six disconnect issue and the grouping component.
In the 2014 NEC Handbook look at page 125 (Exhibit 230.11) and notice that the image shows (4) buildings (firewalls between them make it no different that your example...just without firewalls and separated), In his theory this would be a code violation...but clearly it shows (6) disconnects at each location from a single transformer....If he reads this and still does not understand then well.......not sure what else we could tell you.