Re: Size of GEC
Table 250.66 as Dereck pointed out.
Size of Largest Ungrounded Service-Entrance Conductor or Equivalent Area for Parallel Conductors (AWG/kcmil)
You said 2 sets of 3/0 you will need to go to Table 8 Conductor Properties to find the area of 3/0s and multiply that by 2 to find the equivalent area for your set up.
Once you have that you can use Table 250.66 to find the GEC size.
Take a look at 250.66(A), 250.66(B) and 250.66(C)
these articles may effect the size of the GEC.
Are these two sets of 3/0s in one raceway?
If yes, it is compliant with the use of 240.4(B) but you are pushing the limits, I hope the run is short.