Size of Generator for (2) 500 KVA Transformers

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Very, very dumb question, but I haven't done this in a while and I am blanking.

I have (2) 500 KVA transformers. I want to provide a generator to back up both transformers (each will be provided with a manual transfer switch). What is the size of the generator?

2*500*.8= 800kW?
The necessary generator output rating under the NEC is determined by the calculated load, which could be substantially less than the sum of transformer kVA ratings.
Just make sure that the generator can handle the transformer inrush from random switching or else provide for a phase-controlled transfer.
Very, very dumb question, but I haven't done this in a while and I am blanking.

I have (2) 500 KVA transformers. I want to provide a generator to back up both transformers (each will be provided with a manual transfer switch). What is the size of the generator?

2*500*.8= 800kW?

That will work from a simplistic method.

Consider the inrush of the transformers and whether the load is significantly less than 1000kVA or very high power factor. If the load is close to 1000kVA and a high power factor >80%, then you need a bigger gen.
If this is an established business, POCO will have history of monthly useage. Many times that info is more than sufficient to determine back up/stand by power requirements.
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