Size of grounding screw in hazardous location pushbutton box.


licensed Electrical Contractor
I recently got a pair of explosion proof emergency stop enclosures that I waited 9(!) months to receive. The boxes each have a green # 10-32 hex head screw threaded in to the inside of the box. One of the tapped holes is stripped out and the screw will not tighten properly. Can I tap the hole out to # 12-32 and install a larger screw, Or is this hole required to be # 10-32 ? I would hate to wait another 9 months to get another box. Thank You.
Can you find a 12-32 tap and screw? I thought normal fine thread for #12 is 28 TPI. What matters is threads per inch and the thickness of the material. You need 2 full threads engaged, so if the metal where the hole is is 1/16 inch, the coarsest screw you can use is 32 threads per inch.

Some boxes have a thickened area where the screw goes. If it is thick enough, you can go to 1/4-28 which is a more common screw than a 12-28.