Size wire and Fuses for a VVVF drive

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Check the mfg instructions, they often will specify a specific fuse type, such as. Type T, and size
What is a VVVF?
If you carefully read instructions often the expensive current limiting fuses are often only required when available fault current is over a certain level.

Reality is if front end of drive develops a fault, all the current limiting fuse will do is possibly lessen how spectacular of a show the fault event will be. The drive is still damaged.
Much more usually "Variable Frequency Drive" or VFD (I've never heard vvvf, either). Some people even shorten VFD to "the drive", which I find a touch ambiguous.

"Many fuses are protected by fast-blowing electronic components"
Thank you Z. I agree with you. "The drive" for the elevator industry could refer to and SCR drive or a VFD. There are many more D.C. motors in New York City running elevators than A.C. motors however anything installed new is requested to be A.C.
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