Sizing a gutter

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Senior Member
Las Cruces N.M.
I am trying to size a gutter for a service at a multi tenant building. I have two sets of underground service lateral conductors, each in 4? conduit, entering the gutter and 4 meters and service disconnects mounted under the gutter and being fed from them. One set of conductors feeds 3 meters and one set is pulled through the gutter and feeds one meter. This is similar to Exhibit 230.3 in the 2008 Handbook except there are two sets of underground service lateral conductors instead of 1 set of overhead.
Using 366.58 B for the set being pulled through the gutter, not the ones being tapped, I come up with over 30? of gutter height. This seems incredible, what am I doing wrong?
I know some of you will suggest that I don?t run the untapped set thru the gutter, but our local utility believes that one point of service means one enclosure, and they will not allow the conductors to enter two separate enclosures.
Thanks in advance for any help.

Jim T
You have entered one of "those" areas :grin:
First off, there would be some discussion as to the applicable section.
To complicate things in 366.2 we see that conductors are designed to be laid or set in place with no comment on "pulling", yet we have 366.58.
This causes some confusion in itself.
If you take the stand that a more applicable Article (due to pulling vs laying) we have Art 376. There we have the basic same wording in 376.23

There is a valid argument that in both 366.58 and 376.23 that the wording "the distance between raceway" is tantamount. One faction insists that the 314.28 dimension only applies for distance between raceways and not to "opposite wall" dimensions. The other faction insists that all 314.28 measurements apply.
This was discussed at length here:

You may be in a situation where you AHJ's interpretation is necessary.
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