Sizing feeder for shop

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Senior Member
Wa state
I am going to be wiring a shop for a homeowner and have a question about sizing the feeder. The only reason I ask is because he wants a extreme amount of receptacles for just general use. I believe in total he is going to want somewhere in the neighborhood of 25 quads (two receptacles in a two gang box). I see in 220.14 (H) it talks about "Fixed Multioutlet Assemblies" in other than dwelling units. I'm not exactly sure what this even is. Does this apply to my situation? Do I have to calculate each receptacle at a certain amount of VA or do I just size the feeder based on square footage and any fixed equipment that he might have?
I would try to get an idea of just what mix of loads he anticipates and how many will run at once.
He may be planning on having 20 machines plugged in at locations he has not chosen yet, but only running two at a time.
I would imagine that he would want each quad to contain at least two circuits, although the same circuits will also appear in other quads.

The only for sure loads so far are a ductless mini split system (15 amp 240 volt) and a 240 volt 20 amp air compressor. Other than that just a few fluorescent T8 fixtures. I don't believe from talking with him that all the plugs will be needed for anything specific, he is just super anal about having a plug anywhere he may ever need one.
The only for sure loads so far are a ductless mini split system (15 amp 240 volt) and a 240 volt 20 amp air compressor. Other than that just a few fluorescent T8 fixtures. I don't believe from talking with him that all the plugs will be needed for anything specific, he is just super anal about having a plug anywhere he may ever need one.
If this is going to be subbed off the house panel, there is very little that is required to be calculated other than specific loads.

If split off the service before the house or separate service, then he may be faced with other-than-dwelling requirements.
I was told a long time ago by my old timer boss......1.5 amps per yoke ( device ).

So 10 quads = 20 yokes = 30 amps. Or two 20amp circuits.

Do try and find out anything specific like a deep freeze/ garage door location or workbench ares and supply them with their own circuits.
he is just super anal about having a plug anywhere he may ever need one.

Sounds like you need to run Plugmold all the way around the perimeter then:happyyes:

But probably need more then just the basic strips that are only one or two circuit strips.
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