Sizing Motor supply EGC

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I did not search this site, sorry if this has been discussed.

430.245 states to follow Part VI of Article 250 for method of grounding.

In Part VI or Article 250:

250.122(D)(1) General. The equipment grounding conductor size shall not be smaller than determined by 250.122(A) based on the rating of the branch-circuit short-circuit and ground fault protective device.

If one was to install a protective device as per 430.52(C)(1) Exception 2 for instance. Say a 100A rated motor using a nontime-delay fuse (which would permit the overcurrent protective device to 400%), would one not be required to upsize the the EGC (copper)? From an 8Awg to a 3 Awg

Thanks for the help!
Yes, I believe your scenario would require a #3 cu EGC.

(I don't see anything in 250.122(A) that would change that requirement.)
You have to start at 430.52. You don't need 100A wire


You need a wire with an ampacity not less than 125% of the motor full load current (from 430.22, not 430.52.)

That would be 125A, which would be #1 AWG. So the motor in the example would need #1 AWG supply conductors and a #3 AWG EGC.
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