Shaking off the holiday rust and looking for a back check on a matter.
I have a delta-grounded wye 34.5kV/600V 5.5MVA transformer where the low voltage side is connected to four separate inverter based generators. By their nature, the generators do not have neutral loads and the neutral is not brought to any of the units. The transformer has the grounded service conductor (neutral) from the X0 bushing to a ground bar in the transformer. Supply side bonding jumpers are brought from the ground bar to each generators switchgear along with the ungrounded phase conductors. The SSBJs are sized using Table 250.102(c)(1) and the 12.5% rule for the ungrounded phase conductors to each generator and run from the ground bar at the generator to the ground bar in the transformer. The connection from the ground bar in the transformer to the ground ring around the transformer was sized by table 250.66.
My inclination for sizing the grounded service conductor from the X0 bushing in the transformer to the grounding bar in the transformer, despite carrying no neutral current, would be to follow NEC250.24(C). This section points to sizing the connection by table 250.102(c)(1). In this situation, I am inclined to add up all the ungrounded phase conductors between the four separate generator units, in this case, 5 600kcmil per phase for a total of 5 * 4 generators = 20 * 600kcmil = 12000kcmil. And since the cross sectional area is therefore larger than the table, using 12.5% rule for a equivalent grounded service conductor size of 1500kcmil (or 3 500kcmil) between the transformer X0 and transformer ground bar.
I would appreciate everyone's feedback if I made a slip somewhere.
I have a delta-grounded wye 34.5kV/600V 5.5MVA transformer where the low voltage side is connected to four separate inverter based generators. By their nature, the generators do not have neutral loads and the neutral is not brought to any of the units. The transformer has the grounded service conductor (neutral) from the X0 bushing to a ground bar in the transformer. Supply side bonding jumpers are brought from the ground bar to each generators switchgear along with the ungrounded phase conductors. The SSBJs are sized using Table 250.102(c)(1) and the 12.5% rule for the ungrounded phase conductors to each generator and run from the ground bar at the generator to the ground bar in the transformer. The connection from the ground bar in the transformer to the ground ring around the transformer was sized by table 250.66.
My inclination for sizing the grounded service conductor from the X0 bushing in the transformer to the grounding bar in the transformer, despite carrying no neutral current, would be to follow NEC250.24(C). This section points to sizing the connection by table 250.102(c)(1). In this situation, I am inclined to add up all the ungrounded phase conductors between the four separate generator units, in this case, 5 600kcmil per phase for a total of 5 * 4 generators = 20 * 600kcmil = 12000kcmil. And since the cross sectional area is therefore larger than the table, using 12.5% rule for a equivalent grounded service conductor size of 1500kcmil (or 3 500kcmil) between the transformer X0 and transformer ground bar.
I would appreciate everyone's feedback if I made a slip somewhere.