Well you could, but it takes a twelve-lead secondary - a pair of 120V coils for each phase. I've seen three phase generators wired like this to give a single phase output, but never an xfmr - I don't recall ever seeing an xfmr with a twelve-lead secondary.Originally posted by charlie b:
... You can't have a 3-phase primary and a single phase secondary. ...
Hmm, I'm not aware of an industry standard transformer that's rated at 37.5 KVA and also 3 phase. The only 37.5 KVA industry standard transformer is single phase with a rated full load current on the secondary of 156 amps, an impedance of 1.5%, with the available fault current at 18,018 amps.Originally posted by ongmark:
How do you figure out what the amperage is on the secondary that is a 120/240 1/Ph with the primary at 480/277 3/Ph on a 37.5 KVA transformer.
Yep, you're right: standard ratings are:Originally posted by 5Spot:
Hmm, I'm not aware of an industry standard transformer that's rated at 37.5 KVA and also 3 phase.