SKM PTW32 Question

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Senior Member
For you Arc Flash guys in here... any idea how to get PTW32 to report the arc flash data at a transformer? I can't get it to show arc flash data at anything but declared buses.
Good question. I have only seen the arc-flash results for the designated buses as you said.

This might be a tech support question...
By default SKM treats the primary and secondary of each transformer as node buses, so they are not included in any analysis. You just need to change these locations to be normal busses.
Thanks, all...the fact that there's not an elegant solution doesn't bother me so much as looking endlessly for a non-existant one.

So I guess I will just slap a bus on each side, and let the transformer be the "required impedance component", rather than cable.
bcorbin said:
Thanks, all...the fact that there's not an elegant solution doesn't bother me so much as looking endlessly for a non-existant one.

So I guess I will just slap a bus on each side, and let the transformer be the "required impedance component", rather than cable.

The bus is already there, you just need to double-click on the dot at the connection of your transformer and other elements, then uncheck the node box. Or, you can go to the equipment and arc flash tab and uncheck the "exclude from arc flash" box.
Ok, Jim. Thanks, I finally get it.

There are moments I wish I had paid the $900 they want to train you on the software, but El Cheapo usually wins out. ;)
Don't forget to evaluate both primary and secondary transformer buses and use the "worst case" arc flash as the arc flash for the transformer..... Whenever I do a study with SKM I always covert any nodes to buses. That way you can name every bus the way you want and can decide later to include the bus in the study results or ignore it if it just a required "phantom" bus.
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