Sleeving UF

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Mr. Tuttle

Can you sleeve UF in 3/4" emt in and out of a 2nd floor deck down to switch boxes and recep boxes below? Providing bushings or emt/nm connectors of course.
I think UF is allowed for underground use; when it emerges from underground it is in a conduit. Also, I believe you can also use UF in dry locations where NM is used, it is just darn hard to strip. I think there is no cable that is allowed on or under a deck.
I think UF is allowed for underground use; when it emerges from underground it is in a conduit. Also, I believe you can also use UF in dry locations where NM is used, it is just darn hard to strip. I think there is no cable that is allowed on or under a deck.

Disagree, except for the hard to strip (in comparrison to NM).

Oh yeah, and also the allowed underground part.

I don't believe UF requires a sleeve as it exits underground.

I believe UF is allowed on and under a deck.

I do try to avoid using UF....don't care to work with it.
Is this a concrete deck? If so would it not have to be sleeved per 340.12(8) Also where it emerges out of the ground if subject to damage it has to be sleeved. 340.12(10)
Yeah, I try not to use UF in the winter, because that usually involves being outside. :)

I had some 2/0 THHN/W split on me once. We got the inside done and had about 5 feet left outside to do and went to lunch. When we got back and I tried to get the 2/0 through the LB, the insulation split like it was glass. I think it was 9 degrees or so.
I had some 2/0 THHN/W split on me once. We got the inside done and had about 5 feet left outside to do and went to lunch. When we got back and I tried to get the 2/0 through the LB, the insulation split like it was glass. I think it was 9 degrees or so.

From Southwires website....

Table 9 ? Minimum Conductor Installation Temperatures
Insulation or Jacket minimum installation temperature
Type ThhN/ThWN, ThW (PVC)
-10oC -14oF

Type MV-105 (EPR)
-40oC -40oF

Types xhhW, uSE, Rhh, and RhW (xLPE)
-40oC -40oF
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