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Ignorant Brit strikes again.....

The slug is a unit of mass in Imperial measurements.
Or a nasty slimey mollusc you don't want in your garden
There is even a pub chain called The Slug and Lettuce

But I suspect that's not whaat you had in mind...........
The use of "slug" is related to its use as a base metal disk the same size as a coin, intended to fool vending machines.
Also used to refer to the blank from which a coin is struck.

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The use of "slug" is related to its use as a base metal disk the same size as a coin, intended to fool vending machines.
Also used to refer to the blank from which a coin is struck.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

And that makes it all make sense. As I am guessing then it was first used in electrical when either an actual slug or a penny as a slug was used to defeat an Edison fuse that kept blowing.
A "slug" was also the term we used for the round metal piece that comes out of a knockout of a metal handy box. When I was a kid and housing tracts were going up faster than corn grows, we used to visit the jobsites at night with magnets on strings to collect nails and slugs. We would file the little tab off of the slugs because in some old vending machines, you could pass them as nickles. We would put the nails in coffee cans and sell them for a dime on Friday nights by setting up a little stand on the side of the road that everyone used for commuting home, guys doing home projects on the upcoming weekend would buy them.
The 30 Amp 'Not a fuse' was in stock, on the shelf, where it belonged. The 100 to 30 reducers, new in a box had to be "found". They came from a retired electrician that could find no other person dumb enough to take take his leftovers. The shelves are labeled LS for Larry's S...
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