Small Appliance Receptacles being recessed.

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Senior Member
East Coast of FL
I have an architect who wants all the kitchen small appliance receptacles to be recessed including the ones for the counter microwave. They are saying they want this so they can push the appliance back against the wall. I pushed back and said I can do that for the microwave, but then I would have to put it on a dedicated circuit since because in effect you have blocked the outlet and it is no longer really a small appliance receptacle. Now I am wondering if I have any merit saying that from an NEC standpoint? I guess popular mechanics showed all the kitchen receptacle being recessed and made it a "modern" solution. I don't I don't mind the recess outlets, but I don't like the idea of them being recessed so you can hide them with an appliance now blocking them. What is your thoughts?
I need some help on this. Where exactly does it say that the small apliance branch circuit receptacles can not be recessed? 406.5(A) talks about the boxes being set back but this does not address devices made for this specific purpose. Arlington makes a wide selection of recessed boxes.
I was wondering if it did say it anywhere? But I was also wondering if others might feel that by putting a recessed small appliance receptacle on a kitchen counter and then putting a microwave in front of it pushed back so you can't see the outlet take away from the idea of having a small appliance receptacle? My thought was to make that receptacle dedicated since you have blocked it. But then again, maybe I am over doing it and wanted others opinion on it.
But if you are plugging in a small appliance into these receptacles you are utillizing them for what they are there for. Now if you said you were mounting a cabinet, pie safe, or anything not utilizing this receptacle outlet, i may have concern.
There is no control over placing portable type appliances on top of an open countertop, the recept mounting method would be the code concern -- now if you are talking about a dedicated space for the same appliances, aplliance garages, inside cabinets do not use the app circuit to supply them, generally the cabinet will decrease the cabinet top to less than the 12" x 24" requirement for an app recept.
A counter top micro wave does not block anything. You guys need to find a hobby. It makes perfect sense to me. Should be done behind bedroom dressers and desks also.
Recessed or not--If you put a microwave or any other large counter top appliance in front of a recept it is going to block it--

My thoughts--stop over thinking this --it'll be fine:)
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