small bed AC circuit size ?

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Senior Member
Hello. I will be running a circuit for a small room AC that is tripping a breaker.
The bed room is small, lets say 9x15.
There is currently a 10000 BTU window unit installed. ( ready around it may be over sized but..)
I was going to run a 20 amp circuit but I have to do some piping outside and it seems that if I run #12- 2 wire UF it will have to be run in 3/4".
#14-2 UF can be run in 1/2" conduit. I'm ok running the 3/4" but checking out the name plate of the picture I took last year it reads 8.8 amps at 120 v to be installed on a 15 amp breaker.
So I figure run the 12's and put it on the 15 amp breaker.
Then I'm thinking for several reasons I'd rather run the 1/2" instead so maybe run the 15 amp circuit.
If for some reason one day they want to increase the size what would a 12000 BTU draw? ( don't know why they would, but I wouldn't want to get cut short, lets say they keep the bed door open and want to cool off the hallway ??) I can't seem to get a definitive number googling but it looks like a 20 amp would be needed on some units??

I'm thinking a 15 amp circuit for this bed room is fine. What size do you run for small beds?
Thank you
Power consumption depends on the efficiency of the unit. There's no "fit all" way of computing, just based on BTUs. There's an EER rating.

I think a 12,000 btu unit will draw anywhere ftom 9 to 13 amps.

Check this out....

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