Small Server Rm., Mini Split Shutdown, Fire Suppression System

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Glendale, CA
I have a small Server Room that is being fed from a 2 ton HVAC cooling system (to remain). We are adding additional Server Racks and Equipment and adding 2 additional Mini Split (HVAC Contractor) split systems for added cooling. The existing, 2 ton, HVAC is tied in to the FACP and suppression system for duct shutdown.
No where on any of the Fire or HVAC scope or prints is there any provisions for tying the new Split systems into the "shut-down" circuits.
Are ductless systems allowed to run during FM 200 operation?
Also to note, they are changing it from Halon to the FM 200 at this time.
If the HVAC is only recirculating the air in the room and has no ability to spread potential smoke to other spaces, the Mechanical code doesn’t require shutdown even if it is over 2000cfm. Regarding the FM200 or any clean agent suppression, it is sized on volume covered and fire type, so again if the HVAC is not capable of spreading it out of the room, you were OK in that light. The FM200 is listed for energized electrical fires so no reason to de-energize for that reason.
Thank You for the confirmation.
My all the info. I gleamed from the NEC indicated this to be the case, just hoping for some outside independent agreement.

My last concern is to insure the FM200 agent would not damage the new units while or after all were in operation....any thoughts?
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