Small URD lighting job

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Good evening everyone,

I just looked at a job where there is a current outdoor sign at a restaurant that is illuminated at the end of the 30ft driveway. It has 1/2" RC with 12/2 UF cable inside feeding the two flood sockets that feed it. The job entails, relocating the sign 10ft to the right and installing 6 granite post lights, two of the lights will be on either side of the sign, and the other four evenly spaced along the parking area. I need to convert the RC over to 3/4"PVC at the current sign location and daisy chain the rest of the lights, which will be 60 watt fixtures. The entire run of conduit, will be 30ft of PVC and 30ft of the existing RC. The granite posts have a 1 1/4" hole bored the entire length, and will be set in sona-tubes filled with concrete. I'm planning on using JB at each light post that will be accessable (at finish grade with walking traffic only), as I only have room to run one 3/4" PVC up each granite post. Each JB will have 3 PVC conduits, one in, one out, and one to the light.

My question is what is the best way to convert the RC to PVC? A bottomless JB (handhole), and would I need a fitting at the end of the RC where the UF exits? The RC runs under the driveway, so replacing it is not really an option.

All opinions are appreciated.

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