Smart Meter Interference w/ Active Harmonic Filter

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New member
Has anyone run into any issues with interference between utility smart meters and active harmonic filters? Specifically, we have used an active harmonic filter like a SquareD PCS or Mesta unit in an installation with a high number of VFD loads. My understanding is the utility is unable to communicate or meter accurately when the AHF injects currents and as a result the customer is unable to use the AHF. Has anyone run into similar issues and was it ever resolved?
130226-1237 EST


I can not answer your question. but I have some questions that may help me and others understand the problem.

Has anyone run into any issues with interference between utility smart meters and active harmonic filters?
Does this relate to the active filter creating errors in the smart meter power and energy measurement, and/or communication of smart meter data to the power company? Is the problem one, or the other, or both?

Is the problem in the other direction? Meaning the smart meter interferes with the active filter. I doubt this to be the case.

Does the power company have the ability to tell a customer what kind of load can be placed on the system just because their meter has a problem tolerating the load when a more conventional meter would have no problem.

As a starting point it is important to determine if the meter reads incorrectly. If it does and this is a result of the waveform it sees, then passive filtering may be needed at the input to the active filter.

If the meter is reading correctly, and the problem is only in the transmission of data by radiated RF energy, then it may be an FCC type of problem. If the power company is using power line carrier communication, then I have no idea whether there are any rules that would determine what could be done.

Was the active filter in place and causing no problem with a conventional meter? Then the meter was changed to a smart meter and the new meter did not work correctly?

Most important is to determine the kind of problem.

yes, I too am not sure of which direction the errors are.

but I can tell you that many folks have made power company take out smart meters that interfered with in home x10 PLC communications. you can search this at (type in smart meter into search)
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