Smoke Alarm Placement

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In nfpa 72 I cannot find this requirement. 1 new 120v smoke alarms are added into each of 3 bedrooms. There is a 20 ft hallway from the bedrooms area into the living/dining area. The hall is 8 ft flat ceiling - then it opens up to a sloped ceiling in living/dining area approx 10 ft to ceiling peak.
Question: can smoke detector outside the bedrooms area go in the flat ceiling hall area or does it have to go up to the sloped ceiling peak area.
Thank you
local code ammendments in your area?

local code ammendments in your area?

TM - you might try the search option under "smoke alarm" for some discussions of spacing. This thread is good:

Your local area may have some building regulations that apply as well, for instance after two familys in the area here were killed one winter by CO the local building code was changed to require CO detectors on each floor, and if a bedroom was on the floor the detector was to be placed in the immediate vicintity. As a result, a combo SD/CO detector is usually put in the hall outside of the bedrooms.

FWIW regarding the sloped ceiling question, I'd put one in the hallway (CO/SD) and also one near the peak of the sloped ceiling too. The SD are relatively cheap, and it's worth it to have all areas covered (but then, I'm the guy who wants SDs in storage rooms too, so I'm bordering on paranoid?).

Check out the search feature, you can often find that your question has already been asked, and also you can see who appears to have a handle on that particular area.
I thought you had to have on in each sleeping area and the adjacent hallway(s).

36" from forced air (returns and supplies.)


Yes, sleeping areas, and adjacent to. I understood the question was regarding the hallway vs the sloped ceiling, assuming the bedrooms were taken care of. As to distance from air openings, I'd go with the fine print in the paperwork that comes with the unit; they're aslo available on the mfg. web site.
Well then it would be the flat ceiling since it outside the bedroom areas. If you have an elevation change of more than 24" from ceiling to ceiling you have to have a second smokie. (Read that somewhere.)
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