Smoke detection "full" coverage

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Senior Member
NFPA 72, when full coverage is required, requires smoke detection above suspended ceilings (which I have never seen) and detection in combustible concealed construction (which I have never seen). The question is - where is "full" coverage required? I am in NY (which has a modified IBC).
NFPA 72, when full coverage is required, requires smoke detection above suspended ceilings (which I have never seen) and detection in combustible concealed construction (which I have never seen). The question is - where is "full" coverage required? I am in NY (which has a modified IBC).

Nassau county?

Without Scarscam- It's required wherever their modified IBC and other local ammendments say so. I've read their version, a long time ago. I've heard with an engineer applying performanced based design you can reduce the number of detectors required, if they accept it.

Local ammendments aside, when complete automatic 'fire' detection is required sprinklers are used, even above ceilings.
You need to first determine what your State has adopted as Code and the current version that has been adopted. I always start with the Life Safety Code and classify the building for the type of building and what is required (such as a full system). The you can go to your applicable codes and standards that apply to your State and any modifications or provisaions by a political subdivision.

Another important factor is the AHJ or Authority Having Jurisdiction and what they will require. There are many and the building owner is one as well. Also, many Fire Marshalls come from the suppressin side of the business and not the detection side which complicates things. I have not seen many architectural plans that meet codes which further complicates the matter.

If your building is classified for a full fire alarm system the first thing to do is to determine the cost of installing one. As the building gets larger, a sprinkler system may make more sense. If it makes sense to install a full fire alarm system you must determine what th area above grid s used for. If it is a plennum, then special smoke detectors must be used that are rated for the air velocity. If it is ducted, a heat detector may make more sense.

Spacing of the smoke detectors is important as well. Forget what ever you have heard. The answer to the exam on spacing for smoke detectors is always (e) What ever the manufactuerer specifies for a particular deivice.
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