Smoke Detector False Alarming

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Senior Member
I have a customer that lives near the ocean. When the air gets very damp (maybe they mean fog) their smoke detectors go off. The detectors are photoelectric type and one is a combo smoke/CO but they don't know which one is setting them off. It only happens when the windows are open and the air is full of moisture.

The smoke detectors are First Alert 7010B and the smoke/CO is First Alert SC7010BV.

Does anybody know of detectors that are less prone to false alarming in these conditions? Any other solutions?
I'm not familiar with the First Alert product models but maybe an ionization version would be better in their case. FWIW, I like photoelectric best, but if it is false alarming, then maybe ionization is better than them ripping them down ;)
In Massachusetts ionization type smoke are not allowed within 20 feet of a kitchen or bathroom I'm told due to their tendency to false alarm from steam. So I assume ionization type would be worse. But thanks for responding.
if they have fog in their house, maybe its time to close the windows? its probably a Q for the 1st Alert folks, seem odd that they trip like that.
if they have fog in their house, maybe its time to close the windows? its probably a Q for the 1st Alert folks, seem odd that they trip like that.

I think it is fog or very moist air that rolls in while they are sleeping. If they close the windows when they go to bed they miss out on the cool air they are craving because the house is hot (it's a summer cottage). They don't have air conditioners.
Have them take 2 units off line at a time and test the system. See if they can pin point which units set sit off.

You can always recommend an upgrade if it is an old system. Call the manufacturer and get to tech support. (Good luck)
Go online and print out the owners manual for their smoke detectors. It's most likely that you will find that they probably use their led indicating lights to show status and possibly the initiating smoke detector that set off alarm.
I would try the ionization type as they seem less likely to false from moisture in the air
I would guess that it has more to do with the salt in the air than the moisture it's self. I would bet that they are getting corroded inside.
I don't know. They have been false alarming during very wet conditions since they were new. When I say wet I think we are really talking about fog creeping in at night when the conditions cause that. It probably a dozen times each summer.

I really fell bad for them. They ask me "are we expected to keep the windows shut" which of course defeats the point of having a cottage near the ocean on a hot summer night.
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