Smoke detectors beeping

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Senior Member
Rhinelander WI
Was at a customers house today and she has two smoke alarms that are beeping like the battery needs to be replaced. Her nieghbor replaced the batteries a week ago. She says that they have beeped since they moved into the house. Her husband was an electrician so he just un-hooked them at the breaker panel. He has since passed away and when her daughter found out she was living in a house with non functioning smoke detectors she had the niegbor turn the breaker back on. Was not able to get up on a ladder today to see what brand these are. My first thoughts are to replace the detectors. Has any one run into this before?? Thanx all.:smile:
some smokes beep like that as an error condition (not just from dead battery). Just replace em, othewise you will be spending same on labor.
If you are talking 2 smoke detectors just replace them and be done with it. They are probably over 10 years old anyway. Those units should be replaced every 10 years or so.
definitely should replace all detectors, most smoke detectors have a recommended lifespan of ten years and then should be replaced anyway so you might as well skip the troubleshooting and start out fresh with all new units IMHSO.
HO says batteries were replaced a week ago. I think I agree with the folks here and I am just going to change them out. Putting a generator and transfer switch in this same house next week so I will do it then. By the way does anyone have any good ideas for mounting boxes to houses with plastic siding??:smile:
if they are older version of b.r.k. look for thin white wafer, goes behind the smoke detector and the mounting plate on the box.
While replacing the smoke alarms double check all the neutral connections in the outlet boxes. I learned this tip from a Firex factory rep. It actually bailed me out on a TS call.
I ran into the same problem replaced the old batteries and it still beeped. If the smokes are kiddie you can't just put any 9v battery in. If you read in the little book that comes with the smokes or a whole saler should have one if you dont it tells you a certain 9v battery that you have to use. And if you put the wrong one in it will continue to beep.

Good luck!
The batteries must be of the correct type, as others have said. Also "new" batteries do not neccesarily mean "good" batteries. I also agree that any smoke detector over 10 years old should be replaced.
I had this problem in my last house. I looked up the model/brand on line and found the inst manual, there was a reset procedure that was fairly complex.


hire a sub to open up the siding for your panel dims, mount a plywood panel wrapped in metal to match house trim, put j-channel and undersill around it and trim siding to match. now you're ready for the panel. :cool:
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