smoke detectors & sprinkler pipes

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question is it allowed to attach low voltage smoke detector wiring to sprinkler piping using ty-raps. as this is associated with system?
alaskagordon said:
question is it allowed to attach low voltage smoke detector wiring to sprinkler piping using ty-raps. as this is associated with system?
IMO, 760.3 would be an article of interest. As to whether or not NFPA 72 would prevent that install, can't tell you, don't have one. Fire sprinkler inspector or Fire Marshall may also have an issue with it.

I see no NEC violation.

Welcome to the Forum.
alaskagordon said:
question is it allowed to attach low voltage smoke detector wiring to sprinkler piping using ty-raps. as this is associated with system?

A HUGE no, no! Look to NFPA 13 for more info. Absolutely nothing not a part of the sprinkler system is attached to the sprinkler pipe. Not that you don't see it all the time...

And generally speaking, ty-wrapping alarm wire to anything is not a good idea. Use those wire loops to support the wire. Maybe ty-wrap loosely in between loops to keep the wire from wandering around.

Just finished an alarm revamp for a dorm renovation. The alarm wire for the existing work not-in-scope was ty-wrapped to the bar joist; all well and good. The ceiling guy wrapped his 12 ga steel wire around the joist (not the nearby sprinkler pipe :grin: ) and captured the 14/2 shielded FPLP in the loop. Crushed the jacket open, and the negative wire insulation, pinning the shield, drain wire, and negative to building steel. There was only 2 ohms to ground! It took us a day and a half to find it what with all the T-tapping (addressable loop).
Wow! That one threw me for a loop. I have yet to do a commercial install w/ a lo-volt FA that didn't require at least EMT in the specs.....

Edit to add: Oh, and welcome to the forum!
480sparky said:
Wow! That one threw me for a loop. I have yet to do a commercial install w/ a lo-volt FA that didn't require at least EMT in the specs.....

Here is all depends on local codes. Some require EMT for the whole shebang, while others allow the red cable to be used.
As far as cable goes, most municipalities are allowing the use of plenum rated cables as well as non- plenum cables (In Hospitals usually) to help keep cost down. Adding a conduit network for FA Cabling isn't cheap, as far as attaching to Sprinkler pipes, there is only 1 cable I'm aware of that can be strapped to a sprinkler pipe and thats linear heat detection cable since it pertains to the sprinkler system. In MN code is all Low Voltage cables must be within it's own support structure and if it does not pertain to the system then it can not be attached to the respective system.
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